
Professionally Settle Your Dispute


If you are contemplating a divorce or have filed one already, you may want to consider mediation to reach a temporary or final settlement. Most people find that they are more satisfied with the outcome of their case when they reach an agreement rather than having a judge or arbitrator impose a decision on them. Additionally, your agreement can be more creative than the typical order given by a judge. It can therefore be better suited to your family’s unique needs. Possibly the the biggest advantage is avoiding the stress and cost of contested hearings in court. Frequently even when you win you still lose due to expensive attorney’s fees, anxiety and damaged relationships. When children are involved this can multiply the effect and complicate ongoing exchanges with the other parent and their family and friends.

Civil & Other Matters

Like in divorce cases, a mediation agreement can be the most beneficial way to settle your civil lawsuit or other dispute. It may help you avoid court altogether. If your conflict involves a neighbor, family member or member of your business or other community, chances are you will want to reach an amicable solution. Using a mediator to settle your case can even broaden your understanding of the other party and the subject matter involved. Again, as with divorce cases, the amount of stress and the cost of litigation can be overwhelming and take valuable time away from your work and family. In smaller claims the cost of fighting in court might even be higher than the relief you are seeking. Even if you are awarded attorney’s fees it is difficult to collect them. Then, there is the issue of the court’s schedule. It is difficult to find a court that is caught up on all of it’s cases. With few exceptions you can expect to have a case pending for months if not years depending on the court’s docket and how contentious the litigation is. A mediation can be scheduled quickly and most agreements are reached within hours.

Contact Us

If you have an attorney please forward our information to them. However, you do not have to have an attorney. Mr. Storey can mediate your case in Texas, New York and several other states. In Texas Mr. Storey can also provide legal advice in all areas. In other states he can provide legal advice regarding federal issues only. Mr. Storey will use his two plus decades of experience settling all manner of cases through mediation and other methods, his degree in psychology and his experiences with people from all over the world (See Clients page) to help you reach a conclusion to your case that you will be satisfied with and will help you have a more prosperous future.